Boundless for All

In 2017, Boundless Theatre Company premiered a no-empty-seats program called Boundless for All. This program gives members of our community the opportunity to attend our NYC Mainstage production free-of-charge. With the help of our sponsors, we are able to provide 300 complimentary tickets annually to community members with limited access to the theater. When distributing these tickets, we reach out to senior centers, theatre companies, Latino organizations, and other nonprofits with a record of service to our community. These organizations are empowered to apportion the tickets among the people whom they serve.

If you know of a nonprofit organization that would benefit from receiving complimentary tickets to our 2020 Mainstage production, please reach out! To recommend a nonprofit, contact

Boundless Theatre Company is currently seeking a sponsor to support this year’s Boundless for All program! If your company is interested in expanding community access to the theatre, please reach out to

Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Fine Arts Center Guaynabo Puerto Rico 2017.